Based on our many years of experience, we have developed a list of functional descriptions that we use to evaluate whether the tested DAM system can be considered a DAM system or not. Similar to the industry standard 10 Core DAM characteristics developed by IQEquity in 2014, we check very carefully whether a described function has actually been implemented according to the description.
During our stress-test, we conduct in-depth interviews with the product teams, as well as sales and partner managers, and deliver a report that includes both a function-specific ranking and our assessment as well as an assessment regarding positioning on the market.
You won’t see any web forms in our evaluation process. It’s all about human interaction as we are convinced it is the only way to truly gather a comprehensive understanding of the DAM solution.
Functions tested in our DAM stress-test include the following
- Technology stack and underlying architecture (cloud-native or lift and shift)
- Data model
- Taxonomy and metadata models
- Deployment options
- API features and API documentation
- Migration options
- Cataloging options
- Brand portals
- Batch operations
- Upload and Ingestion
- Preview and Proxy generation
- Roles and permissions
- Digital Rights Management
- Transformation and Repurposing
- Asset Relationships
- Versioning
- Workflow and automation
- Search and Navigate
- Collections and lightboxes
- Publishing and Sharing assets
- Client application interfaces
- Audit Trail, Analytics, Reporting
- and more