Streamlining product data creation for e-commerce

product data, produktdaten, e-commerce, content, s.Oliver

The Product Data and Content Implementation team at s.Oliver was looking to replace its existing DAM system and also wanted to re-engineer the existing content creation processes for its e-commerce business.

DAM Stress Test

DAM Stress Test Evaluierung Performance

The number of software platforms that either have digital asset management as their core competency or have DAM built in as a “feature” is growing every year. How do you know if a software solution labeled “DAM” is really a DAM system?

Self-service portal for marketing teams

The larger the organization, the more complicated and inefficient it can be to securely distribute marketing assets to internal departments or external partners and regional marketing teams. Without clearly defined processes and the right tools, managing asset requests and tracking distributed assets while keeping an eye on image rights becomes very time consuming and error prone.

Access your DAM assets from a local filesystem

access, work-in-progress, sync, synchronization, Zugriff

IO Integration Inc (now Bluprint X), a US based technology company, specialised in integrating DAM solutions had started to develop a synchronisation engine for DAM systems based on a customer request. The concept had a lot of potential but was not ready to go to market at the time.