Access your DAM assets from a local filesystem

access, work-in-progress, sync, synchronization, Zugriff

IO Integration Inc (now Bluprint X), a US based technology company, specialised in integrating DAM solutions had started to develop a synchronisation engine for DAM systems based on a customer request. The concept had a lot of potential but was not ready to go to market at the time.

Brand Experts on DAM

Frontify’s three-part webinar series provides insights on current trends and real-world examples of the digital asset management (DAM) market.

DAM at the center of your content strategy

DAM as a content platform is at the core of the marketing technology stack (PIM, CMS, MRM, or e-commerce platforms) and provides mission-critical functionality that ensures companies successfully navigate the new normal.

Time to switch to a modern DAM

According to Marketing Tech Monitor 2020, 53% of companies surveyed are looking for “newer, more contemporary” digital asset management solutions. Are you one of them? Then this webinar is for you, as we will highlight three key aspects.